Monday, February 6, 2012

Sweet Googly Moogly!

I've finally done it. We all have to-do lists with items unchecked. Today I scored big crossing this particular item off my list. Oh, am I motivated to cross something else off my list. "Oh! keep it coming"!!! This is what I say till I either find myself tired or other things begin to take my attention away.  Though this time "I choose to believe that even I can change! Even I am capable of accomplishing what I've been fighting for so long to see happen in my life." I declare this blog to be a testament and visual documentation of my struggles, accomplishments, and things I think just look good (After all it's all about the packaging- Visuals! Baby! Visuals!!!) Yes, looking beautiful and working on how you appear in public is not vain. Vanity is when you think that your looks are all that you are. That sure isn't the same thing as you loving the way you look. So swish those skirts and walk smartly in those pants cause you're clothes do make the packaging appetizing! 

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